Certificate Course for Bodybuilding Coaches
Certificate Course for Bodybuilding Coaches - CCBBC
- Description

The CCBBC is conducted by GĀYO FITNESS ACADEMY with an internationally respected Faculty that includes Kim Marie Pauline. Georgina D’Abreo and Bernat Scorus. The Faculty is led by V. M. Basheer, one of India’s most successful international bodybuilders and bodybuilding coaches. We are happy to announce that the 8-times Ms Olympia and one of the world’s most iconic bodybuilding athletes, Lenda Murray will also teach for us!
VM Basheer
Kim Marie Pauline
Bernat Scorus
Georgina Olivia D’Abreo
Lenda Murray
Bodybuilding is a noble sport that requires dedication, hard work and, above all, smart training and smarter nutrition according to the season’s phases – in-season, post-season, off-season and pre-season. Copying one another is not going to help each other – what suits one bodybuilder will not always work for you!
Across India, many young adults are aspiring to develop muscular bodies – after all, muscle mass, is one of the more sought after fitness goals!
In both cases, diet and nutrition as also supplementation are of utmost important. Also equally critical is periodization – macrocycles, mesocycles and microcycles. Performance enhancing steroids are being increasingly used. Are they useful? What are the risks? What the pros & cons? What is the legal status?
In most cases, bodybuilders train themselves or one another on the basis of personal and related anecdotal experiences.
CCBBC aims to provide the true information so that coaches and personal trainers will guide their clients safely, scientifically and legally.
CCBBC INDIA’S ONLY SPECIALIST COURSE FOR BODYBUILDING COACHES – and one of the very few such courses in the world!
₹50,000 + 18% GST
This fee includes the fee for the International Bodybuilding Symposium which may be held from time to time across India.
- Must have passed 10 + 2 years of Education
- Must hold National / International Fitness Education certification OR
- Must hold nationally recognized coaching certificate in IOC recognized Sports or Indian Sports
- Must be physically fit
- Must have Competitive Bodybuilding experience
- Must have passion for fitness / sport
- Physically Challenged persons can apply if they have exposure to fitness / sport
- BEFORE EXAMINATION, must attend and be certified in First Aid & CPR with AED
- Exceptions may be entertained subject to University, Academy rules and international standards
1) Structure of the Human Body
2) Human Body Systems
- Endocrine
- Nervous
- Musculo-Skeletal
3) Physiology of the Human Body
- Energy Systems
- Muscle Structure
- Muscle Composition
- Training effects – anaerobic and aerobic
4) Exercise Physiology in Bodybuilding
- Physiology of Muscle Hypertrophy
- Proprioception and Neuromuscular Control
1) Principles of Exercise Kinesiology
2) Application of Principles of biomechanics in Exercise
3) Application of Kinesiology & Biomechanics in Bodybuilding
- Triceps
- Biceps
- Pectorals
- Back
- Thigh
- Legs
- Abdominals
- Trapezius & Neck muscles
- Hips
1) Approaches to Strength Training
2) Strength Training for Bodybuilding
Weight Training
Olympic Lifting
Functional Strength Training
3) Warm up & Cool Down Exercises
4) Stretching Exercises
5) Breathing and Muscle Relaxation Techniques
6) Cardiovascular Training
7) Exercises for –
Trapezius & Back
Lower Back
Minor Muscles
1) Tools used for measurements
2) Corporal size
3) Anthropometric Characteristics of the Body
4) Somatotypes
5) Body proportions
- Principles of Assessment
- Principles of Periodization
- Off-Season Training
- Pre-Season Training
- In-Season Training
- Posing
- Split Training
1) Principles of Dietetics
2) Nutrition Management
3) Supplementation in Bodybuilding
- Physiology
- Effects of steroids on performance, personality
- Medical issues
- WADA and NADA regulations
1) Flexing
2) Music Cueing
3) Choreography
4) Post-Posing Trauma Management
1) Types of Contests and their Rules
2) Training considerations for Men and Women for –
- Bodybuilding
iii. Physique
- Figure & Bikini contests
- eBOOKs as per subjects: Students will get soft copies
- eNotes and practice materials as per subjects: (questionnaires, diet recall sheets, etc. – via email
- access to 600 exercise videos
- Online lectures MP4 video files: links to YouTube channel.
- Study support: through Webinars, WhatsApp, YouTube
- Online: 100 hours
- Guided Home Study: 150 hours
- Offline: 75 hours
Total: 325 hours
The CCBBC is a blended course, It comprises:
- Online WEBINARS (face-to-face) supported with PPTs with training videos
Georgina D’Abreo is teaching the technicalities of judging
Bernat Scorus is explaining steroids
- GUIDED home study / practice on basis of 600 exercise videos
- IN-PERSON (face-to-face) education & training
Bernat Scorus explains finer points of deltoid exercises
- Online home submissions (200 marks)
- Offline Theory MCQ exam (100 marks)
- Case Study Presentation and Viva Voce (200 marks)
- Real-time Assessment based on OSCE principles (100 marks)
TOTAL: 600 marks
Assessment Grades will be printed on the CCBBC certificates.
As percentage (%) of total marks obtained out of maximum 600 marks –
– Below 49.99% – Grade D (FAIL)
– 50 – 54.99 – Grade C
– 55 – 59.99 – Grade B
– 60 – 69.99 – Grade A
– 70 – 100 – Grade O (Outstanding)
– Certificate in BODYBUILDING COACHING awarded by GAYO Fitness Academy and jointly signed by the august faculty.
– Workshops
– Advanced Strength Training
– Functional Strength Training
– Plyometrics for Agility and Power
– Exercise & Fitness Psychology
– Fitness Assessment & Testing and Exercise Periodization
– First Aid & CPR with AED
Gāyo Fitness Academy and Research Center Private Limited (GFARC)
- Fees
- The CCFCM Fee is the fee I shall pay for the entire course including theory and practical training, eBOOKS, examinations and certification as published on gayofitnessacademy.com and as shared through social and other media from time to time.
- GFARC reserves the right to structure the Fee/s and charge the same to the students as deemed fit from time to time
- The Total Composite CCFCM Fee is the total of the CCFCM Fee and the Optional Fee/s payable as published from time to time.
- I will pay the CCFCM fee in full and final settlement seven working days before the date of the commencement of the CCFCM course.
- I will pay the Optional Fee/s at least 15 days in advance of the commencement of the training program or examination or certification as applicable.
- Upon my request and application to GFARC, I may be allowed to pay the CCFCM Fee in equated monthly instalments (EMIs) or according to Module/s that I attend under below-mentioned conditions:
- The number of EMIs and / or the Modules will be determined and permitted solely by GFARC and their decision will be final.
- I will not be eligible to discounts.
- I will pay fee for each of the CCFCM Modules at a rate which is higher than the Module fee charged pro rata in and as part of the CCFCM Fee,
- The Fee/s as above is / are liable to change without prior notice due to circumstances beyond GFARC’s control.
- The above fee/s may vary from state to state due to additional programs / workshops and / or translation services provided.
- I have ascertained and I accept the fee amount/s at the time of this enrolment and I shall pay accordingly.
- I promise to pay as per the schedule of payments as laid down by GFARC.
- Delay or default in my payment of fee will lead to –
- cancellation of enrolment, before commencement of course, and the fee I have paid will be refunded to me after deduction of an administrative charge of ₹2,500/-.
- after commencement of the theory module of the CCFCM course in which I have attended at least one but not more than three online theory lectures, I will be refunded the fee after deduction of ₹5,000/-.
- after commencement of the theory module of the CCFCM course in which I have attended at four or more online theory lectures and, thereafter, I wish to discontinue my enrolment I will not be eligible for any refund whatsoever irrespective of the reason for the discontinuation save at the discretion of GFARC.
- and the amount so paid may be adjusted against future continuation in the next CCFCM batch within a time limit of 12 months from the date of completion of the CCFCM batch in which I am currently enrolled.
- after commencement of the practical training module of CCFCM in which I have attended at least one day of practical training, the fee I have paid will be adjusted against number of course days / workshops attended.
- I will follow the prescribed procedure/s for the application of course enrolment, discontinuation and refund if any and transfer to the next CCFCM batch and the GFARC’s decision in this regard will be final.
- The CCFCM fee includes the premium for the accident and medical expenses insurance policy cover for only one year from the date of CCFCM certificate and this policy may be revised, cancelled or withdrawn as per the policy and decision of GFARC.
- GFARC will levy additional fees as follows.
- Re-Exam fee
- The additional fee will be payable on this account if the student has not earned more than 50% in each of the Assessment and Examination sections. The student will be informed of his / her performance results through the Performance Letter.
- The Re-Exam fee will be payable for each of the Sections in which the student has to be re-examined.
- The Re-Exam fee will be Rupees Two Thousand and Five Hundred only (₹2,500/-) per each section of the examination – that is, Home Assignments, Theory exam (online or offline), Case Study and Viva Voce and Practical Teaching Assessment.
- In case of failure to obtain 70% or more to qualify for the EREPS Level 4 certificate, the student will pay Re-Exam fee of Rupees Five Thousand only (₹5,000/-) and reappear in the Theory exam, Case Study and Viva Voce and Practical Teaching Assessment.
- Issue of Duplicate Certificate
- The student may be issued with a DUPLICATE copy of the ORIGINAL certificate if the latter is LOST or DESTROYED provided the student –
- Pays the fee of Rupees Five Thousand Only (₹5,000/-) and
- Submits an affidavit on legal stamp paper (value of Rupees One Hundred Only) to the effect that since the ORIGINAL certificate is lost student requests for the issuance of a DUPLICATE and student will be responsible for all legal and financial consequences of both the ORIGINAL and DUPLICATE are in simultaneous possession and / or circulation with other persons.
- Renewal or “updation” of CCFCM Certificate
- In the case of a student holding a Course Certificate with an expiry date and wanting to replace it with a fresh Certificate without an expiry date, the student will pay –
- Rupees Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Only (₹2,500) + 18% GST in case the ORIGINAL certificate is still within the expiry date
- Rupees Three Thousand Five Hundred Only (₹3,500) + 18% GST in case the ORIGINAL Certificate has expired
- The Certificate will be thus updated (revised) only after the –
- Payment of the above fee
- Submission of the ORIGINAL Course Certificate to our Admin Office in Mumbai.
- Taxes and course related costs may be additionally payable.
- Provided, before enrolment, documentary evidence is submitted to the satisfaction of GFARC and fee is paid in full in one sum, students in following categories may be eligible for discounts:
- 5% discount to ISSA / GFARC students and certificate-holders enrolled through GFARC.
- 5% discount to international / national level sports persons (in IOC recognized sports disciplines) in any age grouping in last two years before course commencement date.
- In the case of a student holding a Course Certificate with an expiry date and wanting to replace it with a fresh Certificate without an expiry date, the student will pay –
- The student may be issued with a DUPLICATE copy of the ORIGINAL certificate if the latter is LOST or DESTROYED provided the student –
- Re-Exam fee
- 10% discounts to physically challenged persons.
- Special discounts will be applicable to BPCACPE students / alumni as per discretion of Principal, BPCACPE.
- Two or more discount categories cannot be clubbed together – only one is available. GFARC reserves the right to decide quantum of discount.
- Learning Resources
The Course Fee includes the cost of all eBOOKS (soft copies of books in PDF format) and access to exercise videos through Google Drive or GFARC website.
- If the student wants the textbooks, other than the complimentary textbook, in the form of hard copies, a fee of Rupees Three Thousand Only (₹3,000/-) will be levied.
- This fee includes courier charges.
- This fee will be paid at any time during the conduct of the Course.
- The payment will be made as described in Clause 1(n) to (s).
- Payment Procedure
- All fees will be payable to the bank account of GFARC.
- The mode of payment will be as per the directions of the GFARC and may be through the mode/s of NEFT or UPI or cheque to GFARC or any other authorized payee.
- GFARC will issue one and final consolidated receipt for the total full and final payment at the end of the course. The end of the course is the date on which the course completion and passing certificate is issued subject to the intervening end of the financial year and accounting requirements.
- All payments will be made to our GFARC bank account or to the account of any other party / payee as expressly authorized to accept and receive the fees on GFARC’s behalf.
- Student must verify the authorization of the other party / payee before making payment and GFARC will NOT be responsible for payments by student to any unauthorized payee irrespective of whether the other party / payee is our representative or not.
- After the payment is made, the student must communicate to our Accounts Office in Mumbai the payment transaction details in the following format:
- Name of student
- Course / Exam name
- Amount of Payment
- Date of Payment
- Bank from which payment made
- Name of person from whose account payment is made
- Payment Transaction reference number
- Screenshot of payment
- Total Payable
- Balance payable if any
- Academics
- I strictly meet the pre-enrolment criteria including minimum education qualification of 10 + 2 failing which I will be barred from the enrolment.
- I agree to abide by the rules relating to education & training, examination / assessment leading to certification for CCFCM.
- As per CCFCM requirements, I will attend practical training and teaching assessment and submit video recordings of assignments and undergo evaluations / examinations. I agree to and permit the said video recording/s and / or my personal and academic records to be shared with other academic bodies for only confidential academic purposes and not for commercial or public use or display.
- I accept that CCFCM and other certificates will be awarded only upon successful completion of the training, assignments and examinations, minimum attendance and OSCE evaluation, according to academic standards published on www.gayofitnessacademy.com, provided I have paid the fee is paid in full.
- I agree to renew, on my own at my own expense, CCFCM / other related certifications and First Aid & CPR certificate before date of certificate expiry by attending continuing education workshops / seminars if any and by paying the requisite renewal fee as at the time of renewal. The renewal fees are not included in the Total Composite CCFCM Fee.
- I undertake to comply with the rules and regulations of BPCACPE / GFARC / EREPS and other accreditation bodies in connection with my CCFCM as also comply with regulations of training centre / facility / premises where I will attend CCFCM training program /course failing which I alone will be responsible for loss of or damage to person / property in the said centre / facility / premises and neither GFARC nor its officers nor teaching faculty will be held liable for the same.
- General
- I understand and accept that during the CCFCM training, I may suffer from exercise-related or non-exercise related or other injury / accident. I have enrolled to the training program / course having convinced myself that GFARC and its training faculty and training facility providers have exercised due diligence in ensuring a safe training program. I will not hold them responsible in any manner for the injury to me or damage to my property.
- I authorize GFARC to receive / archive / courier / email my CCFCM / GFARC / other certificate/s and learning resources, etc on my behalf and this will not be considered as breach of confidentiality.
- [Strike off which is not relevant from below – (a) or (b). In case of (b) attach doctor’s certificate.]
- I solemnly affirm that I suffer from no medical condition or illness in body and mind.
- In case I suffer from any medical condition, I promise to submit within seven days of this enrolment my medical doctor’s certificate confirming that I am fit to enrol to and participate in your training program/s without which I will not be enrolled to CCFCM.
- WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: I have referred to terms & conditions, specific warranties and disclaimers for and on each training program / course and related learning resources. The enrolment to and / or purchase of training programs / courses (DVD, manual and attending the live training program) and possessing, using and / or allowing the use thereof indicates and confirms my acceptance of and agreement with these Terms and Conditions.
- In case of any issue not covered above, GFARC’s decision will final in the matter.
I have studied and I now accept unconditionally the above Terms and Conditions specific to the CERITIFCATE COURSE IN FITNESS CENTER MANAGEMENT – CCFCM – course and accordingly enrol to the said CCFCM.
The Certificate Course for Bodybuilding Coaches – CCBBC – is the only program in India to train coaches who wish to guide competitive bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts with muscle mass and definition as their goal.
It is a great opportunity for coaches to learn the modern method of bodybuilding and also for personal trainers who want to expand their training skillsets.
Furthermore, this course is delivered by a galaxy of Indian and international bodybuilding athletes and coaches – individuals who have competed at the highest levels and now have the passion to share their expertise and experiences with you:
- VM Basheer – India. A former India International bodybuilder and one of India’s most successful coaches, having guided Indian Railways to many a national championship. He is also the recipient of Lifetime Achievement award from the Indian Bodybuilders Federation (IBBF).
- Kim Marie Pauline – USA. A champion, professional bodybuilder, a “double Master’s” in Nutrition, passionate teacher and coach. “A world-class thought leader in the health and fitness industry.” She loves India! She is an honoured member of our International Faculty.
- Georgina D’Abreo – Canada. She is a top-class professional competitor in the International Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness (IFBB) Pro League, a registered PRO personal trainer with the Canadian Fitness Professionals (CANFITPRO) and honoured member of our International Faculty. Interestingly, she lived and trained in Mumbai where she attended our Pilates Institute of America (PIA) course in Pilates on Mat.
- Bernat Scorus (Spain – Hungary). Former world bodybuilding champion (2006), internationally respected professional bodybuilder, coach and nutritionist. Passionate teacher. He too loves India!
TOTAL: approximately 325 to 350 hours. This is about 4 months long.
Due to COVID-19 situation, the course will be conducted as a BLENDED course – that is:
- Online WEBINARS supported by video content
- Guided Home Study & Practice
- Home Assignments
- In-Person Education & Training as and when COVID-19 situation permits
Visit CCBBC Course link and check CCBBC OVERVIEW for:
- Certification & Accreditations Structure
- Fee Structure
- Terms and Conditions
This course is UNIQUE. There is no such course available in India. We are informed that there are very few such bodybuilding coaching courses in the world.
CCBBC is neutral. It is not aligned with any specific national or world bodybuilding bodies. Our mission is to deliver to the student the nest possible training and coaching practices in this noble sport of bodybuilding.
It is a sport-specific, specific Education & Training program which is an extension of our Mumbai University’s Certificate Course for Personal Fitness Trainers (CCPFT) as also the Certificate Course in Strength & Sports Conditioning (CCSSC) that we conduct jointly with the Bombay Physical Association’s College of Physical Education.
By virtue of the international and national faculty which will teach and its unique, specialized scope, CCBBC will gain national and international acceptance, in the near future.
The certificate is signed jointly by the International Faculty.
CCBBC is conducted in almost all major cities of India. Visit events for latest update of events.
For a detailed syllabus click CCBBC course syllabus. It is the most comprehensive syllabus for fitness managers. CCBBC is the only fitness center manager’s course in India which provides fee post-enrolment guidance to students in academic and professional matters.
Students who are trained and certified at the end of the course are ready to launch their world class careers with confidence and security.
Visit CCBBC course link for:
- Certification & Assessment Structure
- Fee Structure
- Terms and Conditions
Optional, additional certificates, if applicable, are –
- Skills India RPL / National Skills Qualification – NSQF Level 4 (highly recommended)
The Gāyo certificate is NOT renewable.
Though the CCBBC certificate is not renewable – there is no expiry date – the certificate holder, it is RECOMMENDED, must attend at least 30 hours of additional training every three years after issue date of certificate.
The training programs attended in order to continue education or progress your career may be in bodybuilding, strength & conditioning, nutrition, sports psychology, management, accounting, safety or any other subject which will help you update professional knowledge.
The objective of Continuing Education or Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is encourage certificate holders to regularly add their professional knowledge and training skill sets. This will sharpen their competitive edge in the marketplace. Learn something new related to Fitness and deliver it to your clients!
Once you enroll to the course, you are member of our FAMILY of GĀYO FITNESS ACADEMY.
We will guide you – free of cost – in:
- Academic studies
- Client training
- Business development
- Legal issues
BPCACPE is the only college in Mumbai to have its own stadium and training facilities! It is one of the top Physical Education Colleges in India. It is permanently affiliated to the University and is accredited with Grade A by NAAC. http://www.bpcacpemumbai.org/
BPCACPE and our Academy together offer the CCBBC and the Certificate Course in Fitness Center Management. Both these are vocation courses approved and certified by University of Mumbai.
The University of Mumbai offers Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral courses, as well as diplomas and vocation certificates in many disciplines. The University of Mumbai is one of the largest universities in the world. It currently has over 700 affiliated colleges. Accredited by NAAC in A***** Grade, it is one of the three oldest universities in the country.