
Dr. Neha Madnani, director of Fit Physique in Raipur, is not only a leading homeopath but also a top class personal trainer who has worked with hundreds of patients and clients. She is a also a National Master Trainer and member of Gāyo Fitness

Academy’s Faculty and Regional Head for Central India. She can be contacted for consulting at:


A nutritional “treatment” is the one the individual usually performs daily and facilitates the preservation of health which is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a complete “biopsychosocial well-being” of the person. Nutritional treatment considers that food should –

Provide the individual the necessary nutrients for growth, development and proper functioning

Be an emotional satisfaction for the ones who prepare it by experiencing the selection and preparation of food, the consumption of the food for its taste, color, smell, texture and presentation.

Coexist in a pleasant climate during specific times, without tension and allow human living together.

The short and medium term goals of nutrition treatments are defined as –

Maintain the optimal nutritional status of the individual at pathophysiological circumstances.

Correct nutritional deficiencies that arise

Get obese and / or malnourished people within a healthy weight range and keep it

Avoid weight loss

Provide physiological rest to the affected organ (if necessary)

Provide energy and other nutrients required by the body in sufficient quantity

Provide nutritional orientation to individuals and their families

Offer an attractive sensory feeding

Ensure that meals are made in a special place and accompanied, preferably with family or the group to which the person belongs


Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that it may have a negative effect on health. People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI) is over 30 kg/m2; the range 25–30 kg/m2 is defined as overweight. Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases and conditions, particularly cardiovascular diseases, Type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis, and depression.


At an individual level, a combination of excessive food energy intake and a lack of physical activity are thought to explain most cases of obesity. Yet some cases are due primarily to genetics, medical reasons, or psychiatric illness. Other causes include –

insufficient sleep,

endocrine disruptors (environmental pollutants that interfere with lipid metabolism)

decreased variability in ambient temperature

decreased rates of smoking, because smoking suppresses appetite

increased use of medications that can cause weight gain (e.g., atypical antipsychotics)

proportional increases in ethnic and age groups that tend to be heavier

pregnancy at a later age (which may cause susceptibility to obesity in children)

epigenetic risk factors passed on generationally

natural selection for higher BMI, and

in situations where the child is obese with both parents are also severely obese


Calcarea Carbonicum. Administered to patients with a tendency of slow metabolism and has excess fat in the abdominal area; constipation due to sluggish metabolic activity. It is suitable for post-natal and thyroid related weight gain

Lycopodium. This is good for those with a tendency to gain weight on the lower body, gastric conditions like flatulence, bloating in the abdomen and constipation or even excessive hunger and a great tendency to eat far beyond the capacity.

Natrum Muriaticum. Very effective for people with a tendency to accumulate fat in the lower body parts like buttocks and thighs, ravenous, hunger, craving for salt, and proneness to headaches and migraines. It is also useful for relieving depression and weight gain due to stress.

Phytolacca. It regulates the hunger pattern and aids proper digestion of food. It also balances the hormones and metabolic process of the body.

Fucus Vesiculosus. This is considered to be effective for weight gain or obesity due to thyroidism. Aids in weight loss by controlling the thyroid hormone


Emaciation is defined as extreme weight loss and unnatural thinness due to a loss of subcutaneous fat (the fatty, or adipose tissue beneath the skin) and muscle throughout the body.


A decrease in body fluid can come from medications, fluid loss, lack of fluid intake, or illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, viral infections, gastroenteritis, parasite infection, depression, bowel diseases, and overactive thyroid

Other causes of weight loss may be –

Bowel Obstruction

Dental Problems

Infections (Parasites)

Medications (Both Prescription and Nonprescription)



Iodum. This is excellent for extreme ectomorphs and those with overactive thyroid functioning.

Natrum Mur. This suits persons who lose weight and start to look emaciated due to grief or depression as also those who crave salty food, avoid meals, avoid socializing.

China. This helps people who suffer weight loss due to chronic loose bowels and / or low weight, marked by weakness and fainting spells. It is excellent for those with excessive flatulence and bloated abdomen.

Calcarea Phos. This is great for persons who suffer weak bones in addition to weight loss and even people with a weak spine disposed to curvature. It promotes weight gain in underweight children who are emaciated, thin and show weak and tardy development.

Ferrum Met. This is useful for underweight persons who are also anemic. It helps overcome weakness, lack of stamina, debility, pallor of the face, dark circles around the eyes and palpitations on exertion.


In the past we could easily replace lost minerals through our normal daily nutrition, but in modern life “empty” food harvested from nutrients-drained soil leads to constant mineral depletion in the human body. You lose minerals through stress, worry, poor nutrition, industrially tainted foodstuffs, electro-pollution (from cell phones, microwaves, computers), through environmental toxins (insecticides, pesticides, preservatives etc), as well as exposure to heavy metals such as amalgam dental fillings, lead, aluminum and contaminated drinking water, it really is a wonder there’s anything left.

Tissue Salts are homeopathically prepared minerals which support healing processes in the body by regulating mineral levels in the cells. There are 12 such vital minerals that the body needs daily to support cell metabolism and ensure that the minerals which the body ingests in food are evenly distributed. The 12 can be used on their own or in recommended combinations, to treat a very wide variety of ailments. They are –

Number 1: Calc fluor (calcium fluoride)- Tissue elasticity restorer

Number 2: Calc phos (calcium phosphate) – Cell restorer

Number 3: Calc sulf (calcium sulphate) – Blood purifier, purulent agent

Number 4: Ferr phos(iron phosphate) – Anti-inflammatory

Number 5: Kali mur (potassium chloride)- Detoxifying agent

Number 6: Kali phos (potassium phosphate) – Nerve and brain cell agent

Number 7: Kali sulf (potassium sulphate) – Metabolism, pancreas conditioner

Number 8: Mag phos (magnesium phosphate) – Pain and cramp killer

Number 9: Nat mur (sodium cloride) – Water distributor

Number 12: Silicea (salicylic acid) – Skin and connective tissue conditioner

Number 10: Nat phos (sodium phosphate) – Acidity neutralizer

Number 11: Nat sulf (sodium sulphate) – Liver cleanser

Tissue salts are generally suitable for everyone from babies to diabetics and even animals. Because the amount of minerals in tissue salts are highly diluted, there are unlikely to be any side-effects from normal use, and they do not interfere with medications. However, talk to your GP, or other health professional, if you’re interested in taking them while on any medication.